After inserting the WebPart, select the content type to be inserted: either a Confluence Page or a Confluence Blog List or a single Blog Post.
Image 3: Confluence content options (click to enlarge)
To insert Conflunece Blog Lists from a specific space, you will have to choose Blog Lists in the configuration overview.
The list of Confluence Spaces will be automatically adjusted when typing the title of a page. If there are too many results, you may want to refine your search by limiting it to one Confluence Space by selecting that Space in the menu.
Image 4: Blog Lists (click to enlarge)
You may preview or save you configuration at any time.
Finish the process by saving your configuration and saving the SharePoint page as well.
You can't add more than 10 WebParts on one page.
Eine Zeile frei lassen zwischen letzter Textzeile und der Fußleiste (Fehlermeldung unten verschwindet nach erstem Speichern)