Permissions and Visibility

Permissions and Visibility

Important Note

To ensure that the cloud app always works as expected, please ensure that at least one group with admin access is available!

If active, the SubSpace Navigation Menu is always displayed to logged-in users. However, it doesn't apply to guest users (learn more about guest access here: Invite guests for external collaboration | Confluence Cloud | Atlassian Support). To display the navigation for anonymous users as well, you need to grant anonymous access to the automatically created space "Communardo Products" (please refer to Data Storage (Cloud) for some additional explanation).

In the Administration, the Navigation Menu is not displayed.

Visibility of Navigation Elements

Permissions are handled as follows by the SubSpace Navigation:

  • Permissions will be checked for internal links (pages and blog posts) and spaces. If the current user is not allowed to see a navigation element, it will not be displayed in the navigation.

    • If a navigation element is not displayed for the user, any element below it in the hierarchy will not be visible either.

  • Folders, external links and CQL are usually displayed (the exception being restricted parent elements). This is also the case for anonymous users.


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