Menu Structure

Menu Structure

SubSpace Navigation for Confluence allows you to structure your Confluence by defining central navigation so that your users find their way through the wiki.


On the left, in the Structure section, the current Menu elements are displayed. You can expand or collapse them all with one click, as well as sort the elements alphabetically and backward, and search for a navigation item of the structure. 

Image 1: Sort / Expand / Collapse / Search Menu Elements (click to enlarge)

You can either search for any keywords or text, and the results of the search will be categorized based on the item types. Searching feature is case-insensitive. You can clear out your search term under a click! 

Search navigation item
Image 2: Clear out search term example (click to enlarge)

Add Menu elements

To add a new first-level Menu element, click the “Add item” button and choose the type of element you want to add. To add a new second-level Menu element, hover over the parent element and click the "+" icon. On the right side, you should enter the name/link/space depending on the type of element you have selected.

There are five SubSpace Navigation element types: external or internal links, folders, spaces, or CQL queries. You can find a description of each type and the corresponding configuration options in the table below.







Internal Link

Link to Confluence content like pages, blog posts, databases, smart links or whiteboards

  • Select page, blog post, database, smart link or whiteboard (required)

  • Enter alternative title (optional)

External link

Link to external web page

  • Link address (required)

  • Link title (required)


Folders allow you to group navigation elements.

They can hold navigation elements of any type, including other folders.

  • Enter folder name (required)


Link to a Confluence space

  • Enter Confluence space (required)

  • Choose alternative title (optional)

  • Display space logo toggle (optional)


Show up to 10 results of a CQL query (please refer to the documentation of the Confluence Query Language). This allows you to dynamically display pages and blog posts that fit the search criteria.

Additional links: CQL Function Reference

  • Enter title for the navigation element (required)

  • CQL query (required)

Using the CQL option in the navigation, powerful individualizations are possible. 

Example 1: List recently created pages for the current user:

  • contributor = currentuser() AND IN type ( "page", "blog post") order by created desc

For this navigation entry, each user will see a list of up to ten recently edited pages and blog posts. The list will be different for each user based on their recent activity.

Example 2: List the favourite pages and blog posts of the currently logged-in user:

favourite = currentUser()

Confirm your changes with "Save".

Adding Space Icons

Activating the Space logo toggle on a space item, displays the respective space logo or icon on the left of the space. 

Configuration is applied to the live preview and the Menu. 

Delete Menu elements

To delete an element, move your mouse over the target element and click on the trash icon next to it.

To make sure that you don't do any action unintentionally, we have added a confirmation dialogue when you try to delete an item (see Image 5). You can hit the "Delete" button or press Enter to confirm the deletion, or you can hit Cancel and avoid unintentional deletion.

Edit Menu elements

Menu elements can be edited as follows:

  1. Click on the Menu element you want to edit.

  2. Make your changes on the right (see Image 3).

  3. Confirm your changes with "Save".

Elements can be moved by simple drag-and-drop. They can be moved within the same hierarchy level as well as to a higher or lower level in the Menu hierarchy.

You can also sort the child elements of a Menu element alphabetically by clicking the sort symbol.

Confirm your changes with "Save".

Multiple Top-level Items

If you configure multiple top-level Menu items that don't fit on one screen, an arrow will appear on the far right side of the Menu and let you navigate through the rest of the items.

Once you click on the arrow, you will see the rest of the remaining items which were not visible on the first screen. Additionally, a left arrow will be shown to allow you to go back to the previous screen.

Title Translations

To add a translation for any Menu item, follow these steps:

  1. Expand the Title Translation Section: Navigate to the relevant Menu item and expand the Title Translation (Localization) section.

  2. Select the Language: Choose the desired language from the list. Note that only languages supported by Confluence are available.

  3. Enter the Translated Title: Input the translated title for the menu item in the selected language.

When users log in, they will see the menu titles in the language set in their profile settings. This ensures a seamless and personalized user experience across different languages supported by Confluence.

Please note that the translated Menu items are stored in the same manner as alternative titles. Both could be accessed by your Confluence users. For more information, refer to Data Storage.

Cancel Your Changes

Once you have made any changes to the Menu structure, you might hit the Cancel button unintentionally. We have added a confirmation dialogue that appears if the Menu structure has changed. You can click "Save" and submit all changes made to the Navigation Menu in your Confluence instance, or click "Discard" and undo/lose all the changes since you last opened the configuration dialogue.

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