Prerequisites (v 1.10)

Prerequisites (v 1.10)


The App has to be deployed to the SharePoint site where it shall be used. For an instruction see

Anonymous access enabled in Confluence

SharePoint Connector makes it possible to embed also public accessible Confluence pages or blog posts into SharePoint. Therefore you don't have to be logged into Confluence with the same browser. 

Anonymous (public) access to Confluence

  • Precondition: Anonymous access is enabled in your Confluence (instruction: Setting Up Public Access).
  • Be aware that you'll only see public accessible Confluence content when you are not logged into Confluence with the same browser.

If anonymous access is enabled and you are not logged into Confluence an accordant hint will be displayed within the SharePoint web part:

Image 1: User not logged into to Confluence, content public accessible (click to enlarge)

Image 2: User not logged into to Confluence, content not public accessible (click to enlarge)

Image 3: User not logged into to Confluence (web part edit mode) (click to enlarge)

Anonymous access not enabled in Confluence

In this case you have to be logged into Confluence with the same browser, otherwise the following message will be shown:

Image 4: User not logged into to Confluence and anonymous access not enabled (click to enlarge)


Please make sure that you are logged into SharePoint Online with the same Browser, otherwise you will see the following error:

Missing login to SharePoint

 Image 5: Missing login to SharePoint (click to enlarge)

Check 3rd Party Cookie configuration

Please make sure to be able to see Confluence content in SharePoint Online and SharePoint content in Confluence, else you might get the errors above despite being logged into both applications with the same browser. 

You can find an instruction over here: How to enable 3rd Party Cookies

Also check any privacy apps installed in your browser if you get the above error messages.

Check Trusted Sites configuration

Please check your security zone settings to contain some important domains in the same security zone. See this page for details on which domains to include.

If you aren't allowed to change these settings please inform the people in charge of this configuration to make the necessary changes.