Confluence: Add and use SharePoint lists (v 1.7)
Dorrit Riemenschneider-Denecke
Users can in Confluence via "SharePoint Online List" macro only see content they are allowed to see in SharePoint itself, too.
(See also /wiki/spaces/KB/pages/7379148)
You can use the SharePoint Online List macro to display a SharePoint list on a Confluence wiki page. The macro can display most SharePoint list types and document libraries.
Special list types (for example calendar, tasks) can also be integrated but the will be displayed just like any other list (no calender view etc.).
Add the Macro
Open the Macro Browser to embed a SharePoint list resp. document library
Choose the macro "SharePoint Online List"
Image 1: Add SharePoint lists macro (click to enlarge)
Configure the List macro
The Macro contains several options to select the relevant list.
Image 2: SharePoint Online List configuration (click to enlarge)
The logged in user to SharePoint should have at least read access to the SharePoint site collection in order to perform search queries on the SharePoint List macro configuration.
1) Search Bar
Filter and find lists by searching for the lists name.
2) Show/hide Filter Settings
Show or hide additional filter settings.
3) Filter Settings
Choose the date the list has been modified for the last time. Options are "Last 24 hours", "Last week", "Last month", "Last year".
4) Optionally: Define start folder
Choose a folder within the selected list that is used as the start folder, when the list is first displayed.
5) Default View
The default view configured for a list in SharePoint is applied the same for the SharePoint List macro in Confluence. Therefor nothing has to be configured in the macro. Ask the SharePoint site owner (or an administrator) if you want the default view to be changed.
Use the List macro
When the SharePoint Online list is added to the page, you can see the content of the list.
Open, download or delete a document
For the list type "document library" you have the option to open, download or delete documents in the list. By clicking on the three dots in the document row a context menu appears:
Image 3: Context menu in SharePoint Online List macro (document library) (click to enlarge)
Document Upload
For the list type "document library" you have the option to upload documents to the list.
Image 4: SharePoint Online List macro (document library) with upload button (click to enlarge)
After clicking on the upload button a file upload dialog appears. You can select a single or multiple files to upload:
Image 5: File upload dialog for SharePoint Online List macro (document library) (click to enlarge)
You can upload files to any folder of the SharePoint document library. To upload files to a specific folder first navigate to the desired folder and then click the upload button. The files will then be uploaded to the selected folder.
Default View
The default view configured for a list in SharePoint is applied the same for the SharePoint List macro in Confluence.
Image 6: Default View in SharePoint list macro (click to enlarge)
Image 7: Configured Default View in SharePoint end (click to enlarge)
Supported column types
The SharePoint List macro currently supports following column types:
- text
- multiline text
- datetime
- number
- link
- person
If there are other columns configured in the default view in SharePoint, a notification message will be shown in the SharePoint list macro:
Image 8: Notification message for not supported columns (click to enlarge)
You can hover over the message to see which columns are not supported:
Image 9: Notification message for not supported columns including details at hover (click to enlarge)
Change default view
For changing views in a SharePoint list special permission is required. Therefore you maybe have to ask the SharePoint site owner (or an administrator) if you want the default view to be changed.
For more information about changing views in a SharePoint list see Create, change, or delete a view of a list or library.
Image 10: Change Default View (SharePoint Online) - special permission required (click to enlarge)
Any subsequent changes of the default view in SharePoint are displayed the same in the SharePoint list macro immediatedly (after page reload).
Which configurations are possible in the default view of SharePoint list?
- change order of columns
- add or remove a new column (e.g. add column "special remark")
- filter view by one or more columns
- sort view by one or more columns
- sort view by specified criteria
- show all items without folders ("flat")
If the default view of a SharePoint list contains grouping then the groups will not be rendered in the SharePoint list macro in Confluence. Instead the list items will be sorted according to the group sorting and secondly according to the column sorting, if there is one configured.