User's Guide (v 1.2)

User's Guide (v 1.2)


The User Profile Plugin enhances the functionality for Confluence user profiles. The user profiles can be centrally extended with additional elements. On top of that the plugin supports the synchronization of any attribute from external user repositories (e.g. Active Directory, LDAP) and the user profile by extending the LDAP integration functionality of Confluence. So the users are no longer required to update their personal data manually. Each profile element is searchable (additional ones too). User profiles can be displayed via two different macros.
Your benefit: The data of synchronized user profiles is always up to date and can be used to display business cards or to search for contacts.


This documentation refers to the version 1.2 of the plugin, for other versions see

Unable to render {children}. We can't show you this information because you don't have access to the content.

Editing the user profile

The edit modes for user profiles have been extended so that both administrators as well as users are able to adjust the data for additional profile elements. Elements of profiles for external (LDAP) users that are synchronized are not editable.

Searching the user profiles

With the User Profile plugin the data of all user profile elements is searchable. Thus users can be found by any information they provided in their profile. Hits will be displayed as link to the according user profile in the search result list.

Profile macro

Displays the profile information of a user. Different modes allow to define which profile information of a user should be displayed.







Required Parameter, the username for the desired profile



Optional Parameter, the mode defines which elements of the user profile will be shown:

  • minimal: the elements user name, e-mail and phone  (an element "Mobile Phone" will be shown too if it has the same name)
  • custom: selected elements of the user profile, according to the configuration of the user profile element
  • full: all elements of the user profile, that contains data



Optional parameter, shows a edit link to the owner of the user profile or not

Profilelist macro

Displays the profile information of several users, according to the defined criteria.







Required Parameter, the criteria defines which user profiles will be shown. All user profiles that match the specified criteria will be shown.
Multiple criteria can be separated by ‘,‘.



Optional Parameter, defines how many user profiles will be displayed per page