Data Storage

Data Storage

This page offers a comprehensive overview of how SubSpace Navigation for Confluence Cloud manages and stores its configuration.

How is data stored?

Upon installing the SubSpace Navigation for Confluence Cloud app, a new space titled "Communardo Products" with the space key COMMUNARDOPRODUCTS is created in your Confluence Cloud system. Moreover, inside this space, a page titled "Navigation Configuration" is created. Within this page, is embedded a hidden Confluence macro called "Page Properties", designated to store configuration data for the default Navigation Menu in a JSON format.

How is privacy managed?

All Confluence users have read-only access to the “Navigation Configuration” page. Only the users belonging to admin groups have permission to edit the page.

Users granted admin permissions are the only ones authorized to modify the navigation menu structure. Additionally, they can see a configuration icon in the navigation menu. Clicking this icon opens a dialog for updating the navigation structure.


Image 1: Config icon at the navigation bar (click to enlarge)

On the other hand, all users with read access to the “Navigation Configuration“ page can see the navigation menu.

Since the SubSpace Navigation app assumes this setup, we strongly advise that you:

  • have at least one group with admin access

  • do not delete this space or page

  • do not change the permissions of space or page manually

What data is stored?

The application stores a variety of end-user data only within the Atlassian Confluence ecosystem.
A comprehensive overview of the stored end-user data is provided in the table below.

Navigation Item Type

End User Data Stored



  • Title

  • Title Translation(s) (Localization)

Users with read access to the “Navigation Configuration” space & “Navigation Configuration” page can view Title Translations (localizations).


  • Confluence Space ID

  • Alternative Title

  • Title Translation(s) (Localization)

Internal Link

  • Confluence Content ID

  • Alternative Title

  • Title Translation(s) (Localization)

External Link

  • Title

  • Link

  • Title Translation(s) (Localization)


  • Title

  • CQL Query

  • CQL Result Limit

  • Title Translation(s) (Localization)




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