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There are several actions available for connected files which are available in the List view and in the Card view. On the card view the actions can be accessed by hovering on a card where a context menu and common actions will be available.




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View Full Screen

Opens a dialog where a full preview of the file is shown. (This depends if the file type can be previewed in the browser)

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Edit in browser

Clicking this action will open a new tab where you will get redirected to the edit view of that document in SharePoint

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Will download the file locally

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Open in Parent Folder

Clicking this action will open a new tab where you will get redirected to the parent folder of that document in SharePoint

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This action will disconnect the file from the Jira issue. (This action is reversible if you click on the Reconnect button from the information flag)

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Copy link to file

Clicking this action will copy the link of that file to the clipboard.

Disconnect all Files

The Disconnect all action allows you to disconnect all connected SharePoint files from the Jira issue.image-20240308-110522.pngImage Removed


Undo disconnect file action
