Create Processes (v 3.0)

Create Processes (v 3.0)


You have to create a process type before you create a process otherwise you are unable to use this blueprint.

Navigate directly to the spot where you want to create the new process.

Start Creating a Process

Click on the three dots next to the create button.

Select the blueprint "Process". Click on the "Next" button to define your new process.

Enter a process name and select the corresponding process type and process owner. 

Click on the "Create" button to end up with defining your new process. 

User information: Metadata field "Sorting"

The Metadata field allows you to prioritize and sort your process types, processes & sub processes by using one of the letter from a to z.

  • If you enter an "a", your current process type will be listed first.
  • Use this Metadata field in combination with the "Process Search" macro to prioritize your process types, processes and sub processes.

Check your entered Metadata on your process page and click the "Publish" button.

User information: Modify Metadata

Modify your Metadata at any time. The definition of each blueprint is realized by the app Metadata for Confluence.

For more detailed information navigate to Modify Metadata sets and -fields.

Your process has been published.

You can Create a sub process now that belongs to your currently defined process or create a workspace for your process to work in a team together.

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