How to Get Started

How to Get Started

Guide Information

This guide is interesting for you if you have just installed "Process Management Suite for Confluence" and want to start using the app immediately. The guide explains the most important steps but is not intended to be as complete and detailed as the User's Guide and Administrator's Guide in our Documentation.

Get to know the major functionalities, added value and the architecture of Process Management Suite for Confluence.

Scope of Performance

Our app provides you the following functions and services.

Page Content

Get to Know the App with our Demo Space

 We recommend to use and customize existing process types, processes and sub processes provided by the already configured demo space.

In the Initialize and Restore chapter, you can learn more about how to start creating the demo space immediately.

Alternatively, you can create a new process management system from scratch.

Create your Demo Space

The demo space provides you a predesigned process management system according to the ISO 9001 with process types, an example process and sub processes.

It also showcases how the macros of the Process Management app can be used.

Read more about instructions how to create a demo space, how to install and configure the Process Management Suite for Confluence in our Administrator's Guide.

The Architecture of the App 

Use the app to visualize the structure of your Quality Management System (QMS) in the form of a wiki page or the Information Security Management System (ISMS) within your company. 

Note: Create process types before creating processes and sub processes.

Create New Processes by Using our Supplied Blueprints

The app provides predefined blueprints for simplified creation of a process management system using global Metadata sets and fields. 

Would you like to start creating process types? Let's get to know the blueprints provided by the app!

Process type

Create process type

  • A process type is a collective term for processes with the same or largely similar characteristics.
  • Take a look to the predefined process types "Core processes", "Support processes" and "Management processes" in the demo space, which are created according the ISO 9001.
  • Use and customize the existing process types or create new ones based on supplied Blueprint "Process Type". 
  • Map the structure of your processes in your personal Quality Management System. 

Start creating process types!


Create a process

  • A process is a complete description of a process including all sub processes and process steps within a Process Management System.
  • Take a look to the predefined process "Personnel recruitment", which is connected to the process type "Core processes".
  • Use and customize the existing process types or create new ones based on supplied Blueprint "Process".
  • Map the descriptions of your processes, perform the same tasks with the same high quality an organize your processes in one process space.

Start creating processes!

Sub Process

Create a sub process

  • Split your processes into sub-processes in order to detail topics and address them to your internal experts.
  • Each process can have several sub-processes, which can be divided further.

  • Sub-processes can be controlled by a workflow.

  • Take a look to the predefined sub process "Job Advertisement", which is connected to the process "Personnel recruitment".

  • Use and customize the existing sub processes or create new ones based on supplied Blueprint "Sub process". 

  • Map the descriptions of your work processes in your personal Quality Management System.

Start creating sub processes!


Create a Workspace

  • Support your process team in defining tasks to improve your process and in managing user feedback.
  • Work in a team together.

  • Create meeting notes.

Start creating workspaces!

Extend your App

The following applications are useful in combination with our Process Management Suite for Confluence app (especially Comala Document Management).

Name of the appDescription
Comala Document Management

"Customize approval workflows to create, review, approve, publish, and share your content (quoted from Comalatech)."

For a general overview of how you can use this app with our Process Management Suite app,
please refer to the chapter  "Work with Comala Document Management".

User Profiles for Confluence

"Create powerful user profiles. Easily synchronize with user directories. Bring your team together (quoted from Communardo)."

Draw.io for Confluence

"Powerful, easy to use and secure diagramming (quoted from Seibert/Media)."

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