Configure Spaces (v 1.0)

Configure Spaces (v 1.0)

General information

Spaces can be configured by using the list "Space Masterdata".

Navigate to the page "Site contents" in the main menu. Click on the list "Space Masterdata".

Image 1: Configure "Space Masterdata" (click to enlarge)

Here you can add a new space. Click on 'New' to add a new list item

Image 2: Add a new item to the space (click to enlarge)

In the opened pane on the right side, you can now type in the values in the corresponding fields


Image 3: Type in the values for your new space in the edit pane on the right side (click to enlarge)

Configure choices

You can also configure the choices for the following columns:

  • Space Types
  • Keywords
  • State
  • Privacy
  • Visibility
  • Location
  • Department

This choices will also be used in the filter panel within the App.

For example the space type choices for the column will be the choices in the space types filter in the App:

Image 4: Configured Choices will also be used in the filter panel within the App (click to enlarge)

Click on the column header. Hover over 'Column settings' and select 'Edit'.

Image 5: Configured Choices in the column (click to enlarge)

Here you can change the choices. Each choice has to be in one line.

Addremove or edit choices.

Image 6: Add, remove or edit choices (click to enlarge)

Additional information on configuring spaces

If you leave one of the tools empty for a space (especially the url), than the icon for the tool will not be shown at the concerning space card in the App.

The default tool of a space will determine to which tool the user will be navigated if he or she clicks at the title or picture of the space in the App.

Configure the space logo using the 'Space Logos' list

To add a logo for a space, you must add an URL to the image. Generally the image can be stored anywhere.

Image 7: Add a Logo for a space (click to enlarge)

If you want to store your logos in a central location, you can use the list "Space Logos" that is created automatically during the installation of the app.

Navigate to the page "Site contents" in the main menu. Click on the list "Space Logos". 

Image 8: Store Space Logos (click to enlarge)

If you want to link an image from this list to the 'Space Masterdata' list then you have to click on the three points in the row of the image and click on 'Copy link'.

Image 9: Copy Link (click to enlarge)

It is recommended to click on the field below in the upcoming popup first.

Image 10: Copy Link (click to enlarge)

Choose 'People with existing access'. Then click 'Apply'.

Image 11: Copy Link (click to enlarge)

Now you can copy the shown link. 

Image 12: Copy Link (click to enlarge)

Paste the URL to the concerning 'Space Logo URL' field in the 'Space Masterdata' list.

Image 13: Connect copied URL to concerning Space Logo URL (click to enlarge)

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