Software Version Compatibility (v 1.0)

This page discusses the versions of various pieces of software with relation to the SharePoint Connector for Confluence.

SharePoint Connector Version

The latest version of the SharePoint Connector is always recommended, but v1.0 or later is complete and functional. Newer features are added even on minor updates such as 1.0.4, so try to use the latest version especially when starting a clean install.

Confluence Version

We test against all versions of Confluence v2.6 or later. Version 2.10 of Confluence is being folded into the automated testing and therefore has had less testing than v2.9 as of the time of this writing.

Confluence OS Version

There are no known issues with OS versions for running Confluence that are specific to the SharePoint Connector. Confluence does not need to run on the same machine as SharePoint.

SharePoint Version

The SharePoint Connector requires SharePoint 2007 (either WSSv3 or MOSS 2007). See SharePoint Version Comparison for a more detailed breakdown of the different licenses of SharePoint and how they affect the functionality of the SharePoint Connector.

Regarding service packs, patches, and updates, there are two primary SharePoint updates that are important:

  • SP1 - This was released in December, 2007 and is highly recommended.
  • Infrastructure Update - This was released in July, 2008 and is recommended as it provides more flexibility when it comes to integrated search (see Crawler Authentication Issues).

Without one or both of these, the integrated search component (only available with MOSS 2007) will not work. See SharePoint Search Prerequisite Updates for more details.

See also the Microsoft Updates Resource Center for SharePoint Products and Technologies for more information.

No other patches or updates are known to affect the SharePoint Connector.

SharePoint OS Version

SharePoint 2007 only runs on Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008 and should run fine on either OS, although most of the testing is done against Windows Server 2003. SharePoint does not need to run on the same machine as Confluence.