SharePoint add Confluence blog posts (v 1.1)
Almuth Boehme [Communardo]
Add WebPart
To insert Confluence content in SharePoint edit the page and click on the + symbol and choose "EmbedConfluenceContent":
Image 1: Add Confluence Content WebPart (click to enlarge)
Configure the WebPart
After inserting the WebPart select the cotent type to be inserted: either a Confluence Page or a Confluence Blog List or a single Blog Post.
Image 2: Confluence content options (click to enlarge)
Insert Confluence Blog Posts
To insert a specific blog post you can either search the post by title or type or paste in the URL.
When selecting the Search field, ten recently seen blog posts ar listed.
Image 3: Blog Posts (click to enlarge)
The search can be refined by restricting the search to a specific blog or filtering the results by the last changed date. The following criteria is possible: Last 24 hours, last week, last month, last year
Image 4: Blog Lists (click to enlarge)
Save Configuration
You may preview or save you configuration at any time.
Finish the process by saving your configuration and saving the SharePoint page as well.
You can't add more than 10 WebParts on one page.