Macro "Enhanced Profile" (v 2.1)

Macro "Enhanced Profile" (v 2.1)

User Profiles for Confluence comes with several macros.

The Enhanced Profile macro displays the profile information of a user. Different modes can be used to define which profile information of a user should be displayed.

You can find the available parameters in the next section.

Image 1: Profile information






current user

Optional parameter, the username of the user for whom the profile should be displayed. If omitted, the profile of the user who is viewing the page containing the macro will be shown.



Optional parameter, the mode defines which elements of the user profile will be shown:

  • minimal – the elements user name and email. Since version 2.1 a link for starting a Skype for Business chat will also be displayed, if the Skype for Business integration is enabled (see Skype for Business Integration (v 2.1)).
  • custom – selected elements of the user profile, according to the configuration of the user profile element (see “Visibility” in  Configuration of Elements – Add and Edit)
  • namedFields – selected elements of the user profile that you have to enter below in the input field “Named Fields”
  • full – all elements of the user profile, that contain data
Named fieldsnone

Fields to be displayed if the mode “namedFields” is chosen. If you want to see multiple fields, separate them with commas, e.g. “phone” or “phone, website”.

For the default Confluence profile elements use the following keys:

  • Name: fullName (This element must not be entered because it is always displayed.)
  • E-Mail: email(This element must not be entered because it is always displayed.)
  • Phone: phone
  • Website: website
  • IM: im
  • Position: position
  • Department: department
  • Location: location


If the Skype for Business integration is enabled, you can use the key skype-chat to render a link for starting a Skype for Business chat with the user.

(lightbulb) Demonstration of profile macro (If you cannot see the embedded video below, please check whether you have agreed to the privacy policy of this website or if your browser blocks unsafe content.)

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