Space Details (v 1.1)
Frank Schreiber
Dorrit Riemenschneider-Denecke
Thomas Dedek
- Anonymous
If you want to get more detailed information about a space than provided in the Space Card you can open the Details pane of a space via clicking on the space card.
View Space Details
The Details pane will be displayed on the right side of the page. At its top it provides the same information as on the related Space Card:
Space Type (e.g. Project, Team, Community), Title, Description and Tools.
Image 1: Space Details - right pane (click to enlarge)
Below there are provided more detailed metadata: Departments, Locations, Keywords, Privacy, Contact Person, State and Creation Date.
Via the different tool icons respectively links the user can navigate to the related tool ecosystems.
Additionally you can pin and unpin Spaces as described in the section "Pin and unpin Spaces" below. SINCE VERSION 1.1
Image 2: Space Details (click to enlarge)
Pin and unpin Spaces
Every user can pin and unpin his most frequently used Spaces using the Pin button on the top right corner of the Details pane. The pinning is done in the scope of the current user so every user will have his own pinned Spaces. Pinned Spaces will always be displayed on top of your Space results to make it easier for you to access these Spaces.
Clicking the Pin button on an unpinned Space will pin the Space (and change the icon to "Pinned"). If the Space is already pinned you can unpin it by cklicking again on the button.