Configure Microsoft 365 Access

Configure Microsoft 365 Access

User Profiles for Confluence Cloud needs access to your Microsoft 365 organization to be able to display information from there.

Admin Consent / Permissions

User Profiles for Confluence Cloud needs the following delegated permissions:

  • User.Read - allows the users to sign in and use our app
  • User.Read.All - allows to fetch contact information
  • Presence.Read.All -  allows the users to read presence information of all users in the organization

Image 1: Microsoft permission request

Configuring Microsoft 365 Access and giving consent

To enable User Profiles for Confluence Cloud to fetch information from Microsoft 365, you (a Microsoft tenant administrator) has to give his consent to our app.

  1. go to User Profiles for Confluence Cloud configuration page
    1. Go to the Confluence settings > User profiles Configuration in the left sidebar in the User Profiles for Confluence section
    2. The tab Configure Microsoft 365 Access is now already selected
  2. follow the instructions on the page there

Image 2: Configure Microsoft 365 Access link in administration

Image 3: Configure Microsoft 365 Access page with instructions

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