Developer's Guide (v 1.2)

Quick Setup Metadata API

1. Download the following files

2. Add the files to your maven repository

There are two possibilies to install the library files. Either to install them in a local maven repository or deploying it to a hosted maven repository

Install in the local maven repository

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=metadata-api-1.1.jar -DgroupId=de.communardo.confluence.plugins -DartifactId=metadata-api -Dversion=1.1 -Dpackaging=jar -Djavadoc=metadata-api-1.1-javadoc.jar

 Deploy to a hosted maven repository

mvn deploy:deploy-file -Dfile=metadata-api-1.1.jar -DgroupId=de.communardo.confluence.plugins -DartifactId=metadata-api -Dversion=1.1 -Dpackaging=jar -Djavadoc=metadata-api-1.1-javadoc.jar -DrepositoryId=<id-to-map-on-server-section-of-settings.xml> -Durl=<url-of-the-repository-to-deploy>

3. Include the Metadata API in your Add-On pom.xml


4. Import metadata components to your atlassian-plugin.xml

<component-import key="metadataManager" interface="com.communardo.confluence.metadata.service.MetadataManager" />