Cloud vs Server - Metadata for Confluence Differences

Cloud vs Server - Metadata for Confluence Differences

Many of Atlassian’s cloud and server products provide the same benefits – planning, tracking, collaboration, code repository management, and more – but differ in features and functionality. In the case of the Metadata for Confluence app, the same logic applies.

With Atlassian’s Cloud-first plans, users moving to Confluence Cloud will also need to migrate to our corresponding cloud app.

Here’s an overview of all the functionalities for Metadata for Confluence, Cloud vs Server.

Please keep in mind that due to technical constraints in the cloud environment (and differing conceptual ideas in some use cases) the Metadata cloud functionalities might have some limitations.

This is the current state and behavior of the app. Based on customers' requests and needs, the app can change so it offers a solution to fulfill our customer's needs.


The main conceptual differences, and how they translate from server to cloud.

Server Concept

Cloud Concept

Server Concept

Cloud Concept

Metadata Set

Fields are no longer declared separately from sets. They can only be defined together.

This is now called a Content Category.

Content Categories can be assigned only to pages, not blog posts, and only one Content Category can be assigned to a page.

Metadata Field

Space / Global Metadata Sets

In cloud there are only global Content Categories.

The number of fields per Content Category is limited due to Cloud storage limitations. No fixed limit is set, as it depends on the Content Category definition.


The main feature differences

Functionality in Server



Functionality in Server



Connect a Confluence template to a Metadata set

Unlike the server/dc version of the app, where a Metadata set can be linked to multiple templates, in cloud a Content Category can currently be linked to only one Confluence template.


We are currently evaluating if and how we can bring this feature also to cloud!

Display Metadata macro

The cloud app will soon support configuring the Display Macro to show Metadata values of other pages.


Metadata Overview macro

In cloud it is renamed to : Metadata Report macro.

Not all features from server are carried over.

We are open for your feedback! Please reach out to us if you miss an important feature.

Live filter in the Overview macro

Live filter is part of the report macro.

Content by Metadata macro


History of Metadata values

No history feature, including the History macro, is offered in cloud

Text field


Multi select field

Due to cloud infrastructure limitations, a limit of 30 options is set for both field types.

In cloud there is no differentiation between “Dropdown” and “Radio buttons”. There is just the “Single select” which works like the “Dropdown” on server.

Single select field (Dropdown and Radio buttons)

Link field

Called Page link in cloud.

It only supports adding Confluence pages as values.

At the moment it is not possible to define a filter for the auto-completion in cloud.

User field


Date field


Group field


Required fields

Currently not available. Will be refined in the future according to our customer requests.

Default values

Currently not available. Will be refined in the future according to our customer requests.

Bulk change

In server/DC it is only available for space Metadata. As in cloud there is no such feature, this is not available.

Metadata based CQL filters for Confluence built-in macros


Comala publishing integration


Need more information on new features comming in the future?

Check our Public Roadmap!

The use cases you can create with the Cloud vs Server version are still the same.

So, why should you go Cloud?

  • Atlassian’s end of support for server, as of February 2, 2024.

  • The cloud version offers easier configuration for the admins.

  • The cloud version offers better usability - specifically: Metadata values will be filled immediately in a dialogue before the page gets created.

  • The app doesn’t just serve as a toolbox anymore but as a story creator. Use it for Project sheets, Product catalogs, Requirements, Release documentation, etc.

If you need more information to help you decide if moving from server to cloud is a good option for you for the entire Atlassian suite, check out Atlassian Cloud Migration Center

Please don't hesitate to reach out with questions right here or set up a live product demo with one of our engaging team members here.

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