Semi-automatic migration approach from Confluence Data Center to Confluence Cloud

Semi-automatic migration approach from Confluence Data Center to Confluence Cloud

This semi-automatic migration approach is available in the 3.5.4 version of SubSpace Navigation for Confluence DC and 3.4 for SubSpace Navigation for Confluence Cloud. 

A new automatic migration approach is available in the 3.5.9 or 4.0.2 versions of SubSpace Navigation for Confluence DC and 4.0.0 for SubSpace Navigation for Confluence Cloud, you can follow the steps described here.  

This guide includes steps that might require some technical knowledge. If possible, we recommend you try the migration process in a staging system first. 

Please, contact us if you run into problems with the migration or have any questions. You can raise a support request and we will assist you.


The Subspace Navigation for Confluence app has to be installed and licensed in Confluence Cloud.

Make sure to visit the "Configuration" page after the installation. This will create the necessary space and page.

The Confluence migration from Server to Cloud should have been completed successfully beforehand.

How to migrate the SubSpace Navigation app from Server/DC to Cloud

Step 1: Extract the SubSpace Configuration data from Confluence Server/Data Center

To initiate the migration process, first, you need to extract the SubSpace Configuration data from your Confluence Server/Data Center instance.

Follow the steps below to extract data from your Server/DC instance:

  • Go to the General Configuration of your Confluence Administration section in the Server/DC instance.

  • Find the "SubSpace Migration" page within the SubSpace Navigation for Confluence entries.


  • The page includes descriptive text regarding the migration process and an "Extract Data" button.

  • Once you click the "Extract Data" button, it will generate a JSON file, which includes your SubSpace Configuration and can be imported into your Cloud instance. Your JSON file content should look like this:

Step 2: Migrate the SubSpace data to Confluence Cloud

Now that you have extracted the JSON file with the configuration data, you are ready to continue with the migration process on the Cloud side. Follow the steps below:

  • Go to the General Configuration of your Confluence Cloud instance.

  • Find the "SubSpace Migration" page within the SubSpace Navigation for Confluence entries.

  • The page includes descriptive text regarding the migration process and a "Drop a file or Click to select a file" section.

  • Click that section and a new window will open to let you choose among files from your local directories.

  • Browse for the JSON file you exported from the Server/DC instance and click "Open".

  • A dialogue will appear after you select the JSON file to confirm your action.

  • Click on the "Start Migration" button.

  • A progress bar will display the process until the SubSpace migration is successfully completed.

A successful migration 

Once your migration is completed successfully, you can access your Menu anywhere in Confluence or via “Menu Configuration”. Your Default Menu in this Cloud instance will have the same structure as the SubSpace Navigation Menu you had on Server/DC.

You can get more information in the Migration Status section. 

Known Limitations

Spaces and Internal Links in the Menu Configuration 

Spaces or internal links might not be successfully migrated. This is a known issue and you need to manually edit your Menu Configuration and include the internal links. All the content existing within a specific space from Server/DC app, which is not migrated from Confluence migration, will be unavailable or shown as an Inaccessible item.

You can see which those inaccessible items are in the Invalid Navigation Items section, in the Migration Status of the page. 


There are two prerequisites for making sure the Navigation Menu is visible for the users:

  • The user must have view permissions for the space "Communardo Products".

  • The user must have view permissions to the page "Navigation Configuration" within the space "Communardo Products".

These permissions can either be granted via a group the user belongs to or individual permissions.

Share your feedback and let us know what you think about this improved version here

(To add yourself as a watcher, visit the app's page in the Atlassian Marketplace. Click the link "Watch app" on the right under "Resources".)

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