SharePoint: Embed Confluence Cloud page (Cloud)

SharePoint: Embed Confluence Cloud page (Cloud)


Prerequisite: It is required that you have finished the following installation guide to be able to add web parts in your SharePoint pages.

SharePoint: Deploy Confluence Page Embedder to App Catalog (Cloud)

Copy Embed Code from Confluence

You can embed any Confluence page into SharePoint Online. To accomplish that, navigate to your Confluence page which you want to embed, click on more actions, and select “Embed in SharePoint”:

Embed in Sharepoint (click to enlarge)

A dialog will open and you have two possibilities to copy “Confluence Page embed script”:

  1. You can copy the embed script via the copy button:

Copy embed script (click to enlarge)


After that you should see a message that will communicate if the text was copied:

Message(click to enlarge)


2. You can copy the embed script manually. To do that, you have to select all generated text, right-click on in and select the “Copy” action:

Copy embed script manually (click to enlarge)


Add SharePoint web part


1. Modern pages

Modern pages are supported in general by SharePoint Online and SharePoint Server 2019.

To insert a Confluence page in SharePoint, edit the page and click on the + symbol and choose "Confluence Page":


Image 1: Add Confluence Page web part on a modern page (click to enlarge)

Configure the web part

After inserting the web part, click on the “Edit web part” icon to see the Page config field.

Image 2: Confluence Page properties (click to enlarge)

Paste Confluence Page JSON code (=embed script): 

Paste the Confluence Page code from your clipboard to the web part “Page config” area.

If the code is correct, the Confluence Page will be rendered automatically.


Image 3: Embedded Confluence Page (click to enlarge)


Save Configuration

You may preview or save your configuration at any time.

Finish the process by saving the SharePoint page.


  • You can add up to 10 web parts on one Sharepoint page

  • Confluence Page content type dynamic macros cannot be rendered

  • Confluence Blog posts cannot be rendered


  1. Confluence Page not shown

If you do not see the Confluence Page body, then it means that you are not logged in to Confluence. Depending on your browser, you will see a message like in the screenshot below. Log in to Confluence to see the Confluence Page body.

Also make sure that your browser is accepting 3rd-party cookies. For more information check Prerequisites (Cloud) .


Not logged in into Confluence (click to enlarge)


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