Confluence: Add and use SharePoint lists (v 1.6)

Confluence: Add and use SharePoint lists (v 1.6)

Add the Macro

To embed a SharePoint list resp. document library open the Macro Browser and choose the macro "SharePoint Online List"

 Image 1: Add SharePoint lists macro (click to enlarge)

Configure the List macro

The Macro contains several options to select the relevant list


Image 2: SharePoint Online List configuration (click to enlarge)

1) Search Bar

Filter and find lists by searching for the lists name.

2) Show/hide Filter Settings

Show or hide additional filter settings.

3) Filter Settings

Choose the date the list has been modified for the last time. Options are "Last 24 hours", "Last week", "Last month", "Last year"

4) Optionally: Define start folder


Choose a folder within the selected list that is used as the start folder, when the list is first displayed.

Use the List macro

When the SharePoint Online list is added to the page, you can see the content of the list.

Open, download or delete a document

For the list type "document library" you have the option to open, download or delete documents in the list. By clicking on the three dots in the document row a context menu appears:

Image 3: Context menu in SharePoint Online List macro (document library) (click to enlarge)

Document Upload


To be able to upload files the user logged in to SharePoint has to have the permission to upload files to the embedded document library. By default "site members" do have this permission but dependend from the SharePoint site permissions and the permission settings for the library itself this can differ (see also Customize permissions for a SharePoint list or library for more details).

For the list type "document library" you have the option to upload documents to the list.

Image 4: SharePoint Online List macro (document library) with upload button (click to enlarge)

After clicking on the upload button a file upload dialog appears. You can select a single or multiple files to upload:

Image 5: File upload dialog for SharePoint Online List macro (document library) (click to enlarge)

You can upload files to any folder of the SharePoint document library. To upload files to a specific folder first navigate to the desired folder and then click the upload button. The files will then be uploaded to the selected folder.

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