Subscription and Licensing

Subscription and Licensing


For the following steps you need Confluence Site Administrator permissions.

Subscribing the Add-on

The add-on is available at the Atlassian Marketplace. To subscribe the add-on, log into your Confluence as a site administrator and navigate to the "Find New Add-ons" tab in the global settings. There you simply search for "Metadata for Confluence". For more details about the Universal Plugin Manager please refer to the documentation provided by Atlassian.

Licensing the Add-on

The add-on needs a valid license, otherwise features might not work. Valid licenses are subscriptions or 30-day trials and are available at the Atlassian Marketplace.. The license model is the same that Atlassian uses for its products – for further information see the Atlassian documentation.



Image 1: Add-on Manager (click to enlarge)

To obtain a license and apply it for the add-on, please carry out the following instructions, (also see the screenshot above):

  • Go to the license settings page (ConfluenceAdministration -> "Manage Add-ons" or similar tab -> Extend the add-on "Metadata for Confluence")

  • Use the links to create a new license at the Atlassian Marketplace - use "Start Trial" to get a new trial license. After your trial ends you will be billed for this add-on.