Filter your content

Filter your content

The content shown in the web part can be configured using the “Filter content“ section in the web part properties. Here it is possible to find your issues by using either JQL or the search and to limit the results by selecting individual issues if needed.

Using JQL

The most powerful way to filter for issues is to use the Jira Query Language (JQL).

Figure 3: Using JQL


Pressing on “Search“ the JQL will be executed and the results will be shown immediately in the web part on the left side. The auto suggestions will help you while writing the JQL query in order to make it easier when looking for information for the fields which are going to be included in the filter.

Please be aware that the JQL query is going to be stored in plain text and this filter can be accessed by everyone who is able to view/edit the SharePoint web part.

We are taking care that user names are converted to ID’s if you use the autocomplete functionality, so users will be stored as anonymized in the query.

But, if you have sensitive data included in the JQL query we suggest you either apply different levels of security to the page you are using this web part or use keys and identifiers instead of names in the query.

An example could be instead of using project names, use project keys: project = KEY

Using the Basic search

If you do not want to input a JQL you can simplify the issue filtering by choosing the “Basic“ option. This allows you to globally (text) search for issues based on your search input.

You can simply enter your search terms and “Search” for issues related to them.

Figure 4: Using the basic search