All Tutorials

All Tutorials

This view allows you to find and discover tutorials based on your personal needs. The view is accessable by simply using the tab navigation on top or simply using the search at any view.

Picture 1: Access view via tab navigation

While using this view the app navigation bar will adjust as follows:

“Back to Dashboard” (1) will bring you back to the Dashboard of the app.

The right side of the app navigation bar provides you access to filters and search (2) which allow you to filter the tutorials shown (3) based on several criterias. To learn how to filter tutorials, see How to filter.

Picture 2: All tutorials - overview


Each tutorial is represented as a card and will give you a brief overview of what to expect from this tutorial. One tutorial card contains the following information:

  • title

  • category

  • subcategory

  • last edit date

  • persons concerned

  • the average duration of reading

  • level of expertise.

Be aware that the information: persons concerned, average duration of reading and the required level of expertise are optional informations.

You are able to Access the detail view of a tutorial by clicking on “View details”. You have also on every card the possibility to mark the tutorial threw clicking on the bookmark symbol. To learn how to filter for marked tutorials, see the Filter section.

How to filter

Using the filter option on top of the page will open the filter pane shown below which provides you with several filter options.

To close the filter pane you can simply press the close icon at the top right corner or just click outside of the pane.

Picture 3: Filter pane

Show your bookmarks

You are able to just show your personal bookmarked tutorials by using the slider on the top of the filter pane.

Filter by criteria

The filter pane contains several expandable areas which represent a single filter criteria each. You can simply tick the checkboxes to filter for related criteria you are interested in. Your applied criteria will be displayed at the top of the pane.

Unselecting a criteria again is possible by simply clicking on the pill or disabling the corresponding checkbox.

If you select multiple options within the same criteria a union set will be built. If you for example selected the tools “Microsoft Outlook” and “Microsoft Teams”, tutorials will be shown which are related to at least one of these tools.

Apply / Clear filters

Filters are not applied directly. In order to do so, you have to click on “View Results” (3).

“Clear all” (2) will revert all activated filters.