

Filtering can be accessed from the All Tutorials (1) tab then navigating to the right of the search function (2). Filtering will help you on viewing specific results based on the desired parameters.

All Tutorials


After opening you will be presented a few features. The bookmarking (1) function that allows us to only view the ones we have added on our favorites. Under that we have entries with different fields which are color coded (2). The colors help with identifying visually which filter belongs to what category.


Each field has a different number of entries based on the number of tutorials that have been published. You can either choose one through the checkboxes (1), or you could use the search function (2).

After the parameter is chosen, it is displayed in a corresponding colored box at the top of the filtering (3).


Notice: In order to display the new results you have to click on view results at the bottom. Closing via the “x” will close the filtering without applying any changes.

Finally you can delete the chosen filters by either clicking on the “x” in each rectangle all reset all through the clear all function at the bottom.