Managing Multiple Menus

Managing Multiple Menus

In the Confluence Settings, scroll down to Subspace Navigation on the left and go to the “Menu Configuration” entry. You will see an overview of all your SubSpace Navigation Menus.

Image 1: Overview of all SubSpace Navigation Menus

Table Overview

In the table, you will see all Menus and the following details:


The Menu Name which you specify when you first create a Menu. It will not be displayed anywhere, it’s just a helper for you to stay organized regarding what Menus you have created.

Info icon

On the right of each Menu Name, you will find an info icon (🛈). This icon serves as a quick reference tool providing additional details about each menu such as Menu Name title and description. This description is what was entered during the menu creation or last updated in the menu editing process.

Visible in

Depending on what you have specified, it will display in which spaces or where your Menu is showing (or not showing). Here are the type of labels you will see:

Label Name


All spaces

This label is only available for the Default Menu. Even though the label says “All spaces”, if you create a new Menu and display it in the same space as the Default Menu, the new Menu will be shown there instead. You can read more about the visibility rules of the Default Menu below.

≠ Space Name

This label means that the Default Menu is not visible in that space. You can click on the space name label to be redirected to the space.

Space Name

This label means that the Menu is visible in that space. You can click on the space name label to be redirected to the space.

Not specified

This label means that your Menu is not being displayed anywhere.

Inaccessible (Space Key)

This label means that the Space/Space Key is an item that may have been deleted or you don't have access to it.

Visible to Guests

Shows if the Menu is visible for Guest users (see SubSpace Navigation for Anonymous and Guest Users for more details).

Last updated by

Shows which Confluence user modified the Menu last. Modifications include changes to the following: Menu Configuration, Menu Name or Menu Visibility.

Last update date

Shows at which date and time the Menu was last modified. Modifications include changes to the following: Menu Configuration, Menu Name or Menu Visibility.


screen-capture (2).webm
Image 2: Actions of a Menu (click to enlarge)




Configuration Icon

Opens up the Menu Configuration dialog, where you can change the Structure and Style of a Menu. Read more about it here: Menu Configuration

Editing Icon

Opens a side dialog where you can change the Name, Description, and Visibility of a Menu.

Additional Actions (three dots)

  • Delete Menu - Will permanently delete a Menu and all its configuration.

  • Copy Menu - Will create an identical copy of the Menu Configuration you’re copying.

The Default Menu can not be deleted. However, you can edit its visibility according to your needs, and any new Menu you create can be displayed in spaces that already showcase your Default Menu.

Default Menu

The Default Menu is initially the main Menu that will be displayed in all Confluence spaces.

To Configure the Menu, click the Configuration icon on the right. The Menu Configuration dialogue will then be displayed (see Image 2). Please, refer to Menu Structure to set up your Default Menu.

To edit the name, description and change the visibility, click the edit icon on the right. The following dialogue will be displayed:

Image 3: Edit Menu dialogue (click to enlarge)

You can specify where your Default Menu will be visible:

  • in all spaces

  • in all spaces except the ones you have selected

  • only in selected spaces

If you create a new Menu and display it in the same space as the Default Menu, the new Menu will be shown there instead. Additionally, the default Menu will always be displayed in the dashboard.

Additionally, you have the option to allow guest users to use the Menu. This option is turned off by default, which means guest users will not see the Menu except when it is turned on.

Create New Menu

To add another Menu, click the “Create Menu” button on the right (see Image 1). The following dialogue will be displayed:

Image 4: Create New Menu dialogue (click to enlarge)

Give your new Menu a name, a description (optional) and select where it should be visible:

  • Not specified – select this for your “draft” Menu, in this case, you can play around with your Menu without displaying it in any space; you can then change its visibility to where you want to display it.

  • In selected spaces – select the spaces where the new Menu should be visible. You can display it in the same spaces that are already used in the Default Menu. However, if a space is already used in another custom Menu you have created, you cannot select it. You have to remove it from the other Menu in order to be able to select it again.

Image 5: Disabled Space (click to enlarge)

After clicking “Save” your Menu will be displayed in the Table Overview.

You can apply any changes to your newly created Menu by clicking the Actions explained in the Table Overview section.