Menu Configuration

Menu Configuration


All users with the global permission "Confluence Administrator" can administer the navigation. Initially, these are all members of groups with admin access. As an authorized user, you will see a configuration icon in the SubSpace Menu. Click the icon on the right to edit the Menu.

Image 1: Edit SubSpace Menu (click to enlarge)

The following dialogue will then be displayed:

Image 2: Menu Configuration Dialog (click to enlarge)

Live Preview

A “live preview” of all the changes you apply while configuring the Menu (such as adding or removing top-level items) is visible at the top of your Configuration screen (see Image 2). This view can help you see what the Menu with the applied changes would look like without having to publish them to your Confluence instance.
Only top-level items are included in the Live Preview section, and you can't drop down on them.

Feedback and Help

Additionally, the “Suggest Improvement” and Help buttons, are easily accessible from the configuration dialogue at the top right (above the live preview). Please, refer to those to share your feedback with us or to find SubSpace Navigation documentation easily.

Image 3: Feedback and Help section (click to enlarge)

View all Menus

If you want to see an overview of all SubSpace Navigation Menus created and edit them, click “View all Menus” button on the bottom left. You will be redirected to the “Menu Configuration” entry in the Confluence Settings. Please, refer to Managing Multiple Menus to see how you can configure and edit all your Navigation Menus.


Image 4: View all Menus button (click to enlarge)

Structure & Style

Please, refer to “Menu Structure” page to set up the structure of your Menu and to the “Menu Style” page to configure the Menu icon and also choose the Menu background color.

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