Custom field configuration
In the Apps admin section inside of the User Profiles configuration on the “Configuration of custom fields” tab you can manage your existing User Profiles for Jira custom fields or create new ones.
Create custom field
To create a new custom field, you can use either the “Create custom field” button or the “Click here to add one.” link.
As soon as you clicked on either the button or the link, the “Create custom field” dialog will open up. Once it is opened you can provide a name for the custom field, choose one of the different Microsoft attributes provided and the reference user field identifying the user for whom the selected Microsoft user attribute will be displayed.
Available Microsoft attributes
You can choose one of the following attributes:
Business phones
Company name
Display name
IM addresses
Job title
Mobile phone
Office location
Preferred language
Street address
Delete custom field
In the table of configured custom fields, you have the option of deleting a custom field by clicking the trash icon positioned in the “Action” column.
When you click the trash icon a confirmation dialog will pop up emphasizing that the deletion of this custom field will delete its values and that this is irreversible.
Edit custom field
In the table of configured custom fields, you have the option of editing a custom field by clicking the pen icon positioned in the “Action” column.
As soon as you clicked on the edit icon, the “Edit custom field” dialog will open up. Once it is opened you can change the name for the custom field, choose one of the different Microsoft attributes provided, and also change the reference to the user field identifying the user for whom the selected Microsoft user attribute will be displayed.
Assignment of custom fields to screens
Once you are finished with the creation of the custom fields you can assign these custom fields to the desired screens.
If you want to see the custom fields in issues you need to add them to the screens that are used for “view issue” operations in your projects.
To make custom fields with type “User Picker” read-only, simply remove them from the screens used for “edit issue” operations in your projects.
To get to the screen configuration of a custom field, you can use the link in the Screens and contexts column or the link below the table to get to the Jira custom field overview filtered through the description of custom fields.
Constrain custom fields via contexts
After a custom field is created through the User profiles for Jira app, it has a global context assigned which makes it available in all projects and on all issue types in your Jira instance.
If you need a custom field to be available for certain issue types or projects only, then please make sure to adjust the context, to reflect this specifications.
Though it is possible to “remove” custom fields controlled by the User Profiles for Jira app for certain projects by adjusting screens and removing the permission to edit custom fields for our app in the relevant projects, we highly recommend to use contexts instead. This ensures that updates to custom fields are made as quickly as possible in projects where this is desired.
You can adjust the context by following these steps:
Click on the context link in the “Configuration of custom fields” tab in User Profile for Jira configuration
If there is no context configured for your custom field you can add a new one
If there is a context configured you can adjust the existing one
For more information regarding contexts please check out Atlassian documentation here.